(For Sale) Other Properties Business || Larissa/Larissa - 80 Sq.m, 38.000€


  •   Sq.m  80m2
  •   Bedrooms 
  •   Floor  Ground floor
  •   Bathrooms 
  •   Building Year  1980
  •   Parkings 
Area Larissa (Larissa)
Category Other properties
Type Business
Price 38,000€
In plot/With garden (Sq.m)
View Good
Status Very Good
Levels 3
WC 1
EEC Under publication
e-agents ID 1741299
Code 24278

Additional Features

Storage room AirConditioning Frontage Security alarm Inner stairs


Prefecture: Profitable three-level dry cleaning business for sale in the center of Larissa.

It consists of the ground floor 80 sq.m., the loft 80 sq.m. and the basement 40 sq.m.

The business has been operating for 16 years and is available with equipment worth €60,000.

A property exclusively offered to you by INVESTA Real Estate - Larissa Properties.

Partner in charge: Petros Kitsikoudis

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Published date: 18 Jul, 2024
Update date: 18 Jul, 2024
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(For Sale) Other Properties Business || Larissa/Larissa - 80 Sq.m, 38.000€


Building Year: 1980 In plot/With garden (Sq.m): Status: Very Good Parkings: Heating: Levels: 3
Area: Larissa (Larissa) Subarea:
Category: Other properties Type: Business
Price: 38,000€ Sq.m: 80m2
Price/Sq.m 475€ Bedrooms:
Bathrooms: Floor: Ground floor
WC: 1 View: Good
EEC: Under publication Code: 24278

Additional Features

Storage room AirConditioning Frontage Security alarm Inner stairs


Prefecture: Profitable three-level dry cleaning business for sale in the center of Larissa.

It consists of the ground floor 80 sq.m., the loft 80 sq.m. and the basement 40 sq.m.

The business has been operating for 16 years and is available with equipment worth €60,000.

A property exclusively offered to you by INVESTA Real Estate - Larissa Properties.

Partner in charge: Petros Kitsikoudis

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Property's Statistics

Published date: 18 Jul, 2024
Update date: 18 Jul, 2024
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