6 economical ways to insure your home
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There are many affordable ways to insure your home. Even if you have a high budget for home security, it would be naive to overlook the basic steps that are the cornerstone of home security.

The team at INVESTA Real Estate – Larisa real estate agency presents you with low-cost protection measures that you can implement immediately.

Keep doors and windows locked
Strange as it may seem, most burglaries happen during the day (between 10:00am - 3:00pm) and are usually over within 8-10 minutes. 34% of burglars enter through the home's main entrance, while 23% enter through windows, usually on low floors. Burglars look for easy access to homes so lock your doors and windows even when you are at home.

Upgrade your locks
If it's been a while since you changed your locks, think about and ask yourself the following:

- Are some of the locks worn or damaged?

- Could keys that are not in your possession be circulated?

- Are some of the exterior locks easy to hack?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, it may be time to replace your locks or upgrade them.

Reinforce doors and windows
What if your locks are solid, but your doors, windows, or materials are relatively flimsy? A hard hit in the right spot could allow someone to enter a house in seconds. Inspect all entry points, especially those on the mezzanine or first floor, and replace, repair or reinforce as necessary.


· Consider replacing exterior doors that are thin, flexible or broken. You can also add additional support with a door stop or safety bar.

· Door equipment. Make sure the hang plate (the metal piece in the door slot where the lock bolt goes) is properly installed with screws at least ¾ inch long. This measure ensures that the bolt cannot easily come out of the door.

· Sliding doors. Add an auxiliary foot lock or install a pin to physically stop the door from being forced open.

· Windows. Add window locks and bars for more protection from burglars.

Use motion detection sensors inside and outside
Turn regular lights into motion-sensing lights by changing motion-sensing bulbs or screwing a motion-sensing adapter between a regular bulb and the outlet.

Outdoors, providing light to anyone approaching your property and visibility alone can be enough to keep would-be intruders away. If they do get inside, the interior lighting changes will make it difficult for them to act without being noticed.

Be smart about where you hide your keys
Placing a key in a predictable place such as under the carpet or in a flower pot near the door makes things very easy for opportunistic burglars. Instead, give an extra key to a trusted neighbor, or better yet, pick up an inexpensive combination lock and install it in a hidden location. It doesn't cost anything to be a little more careful.

Keep your valuables hidden
Keep your tools, bikes and other handy items locked or secure in the garage when not in use. Do not leave electronics, jewelry, cash, or important personal documents in plain sight. Keep your most valuable goods and documents in a safe or somewhere well hidden.