The platform for submitting statements has been opened!
Property owners are given another opportunity to declare the correct surface of their properties in the municipalities and to escape fines and retroactive charges of municipal fees for the years up to and including 2019 and to pay a small fine for the period from 2020 onwards. The electronic platform for undeclared square meters of properties to municipalities has been opened and will remain open until the end of the year.
In detail, according to article 66 of Law 4830/2021 (Government Gazette 169 – 18/09/2021) there is again the possibility of submitting data statements for the determination of surface area or use of real estate. The persons liable to declare the area or the use of the property, in order to calculate taxes, fees and contributions to the first degree local authorities, which to date have not submitted or have submitted an inaccurate declaration, submit a statement with the correct data, no later than 31.12.2021. The submitters of the declaration are obliged to pay the fees corresponding to the correct square meters, calculated from 1st 1.2020, until the date of the declaration, with a fine of 20% of the amount resulting from the difference of square meters of this period.
The process of submitting and monitoring the declaration remains the same.