Wood for the fireplace what kind to which kind to prefer?
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Whether it is traditional or energetic, it is a fact that the fireplace fills a space with warmth and emotions! Gathering around him with friends or family enjoying the warmth is one of the best winter activities. So if there is a fireplace in your house, we consider that you are one of the lucky ones. But to enjoy the flame and the warmth, you need the right wood. The team of INVESTA Real Estate – real estate agency Larissa studied about the appropriate woods and their use in the fireplace and presents them to you below!

The 5 most popular woods for fireplace!


The pine woods are lit by the easiest. This is because it helps the resin that exists in the trunk of the pine. It also burns too quickly, which makes this particular wood selection more expensive. Their consumption is much faster than other wood for a fireplace. The big disadvantage of the pine tree is the fact that it "pops", that is, it throws out sparks, which means that it is possible to cause damage from a fire around the fireplace, if we are not very careful. But if we pay the necessary attention, it is one of the most suitable woods for kindling.


Beech is hard wood and for this reason it has a long burning duration. Therefore, during beech burning, you will not need a lot of wood. Another advantage of this particular type is that it lights up without difficulty, while it does not "pop" much. So use it without fear. According to these properties, beech woods are mainly used for long-lasting combustion.


One of the woods for a fireplace that are most commonly used is oak or commonly oak. It is preferred by many because it does not tend to throw sparks and produces long and calm fire. It is the most ideal wood if you like to gaze at the appearance of the flame. It also burns more slowly than all wood for a fireplace, which means that you do not have to consume much. However, it is a wood that lights up quite difficult, so you will need some flammable wood for a start.


The olive tree is one of the trees that have a history since ancient times in our country. It is found in large quantities and apart from oil and olives it also gives us its wood to be burned. Many believe that it is the best kind of wood for burning in the fireplace. This view stands in that it produces a small and calm fire, lights up relatively easily and burns slowly. These characteristics make the olive market popular and for this it is so preferred.


Fir is considered high quality wood. This is because it emits a large amount of heat during its combustion and burns relatively slowly. However, from the set of wood for a fireplace purchased, this is not so often chosen.

Tips for wood for fireplace!

: To use wood for a fireplace should not be wet for at least 4-6 months. Do not try to light green or wet wood.

No2: Wood intended for burning is divided into "soft" and "hard" timber. Soft ones are used for kindling, like pine, while hard ones are used to maintain fire, like oak. The difference lies in the density of the wood. Wood for a fireplace that has a higher density takes longer to burn. Of course, for lighting and burning the fireplace, it is recommended to combine both types.

No3: Wood storage is very important. They should be kept in a covered and well-ventilated area, so that there is humidity below 15% in the woods. Also, timber experts claim that the best firewood is those that have been stored for at least 2 years and have dried completely.

No. 4: Make sure you check the origin and the required certifications when buying wood for a fireplace. It is important in order to prevent illegal and arbitrary logging.
