"REAL MARKET" Conference and Creation of a New Hellenic Federation of Brokers.
On 14/5/2024, the Agreement for the New Panhellenic Federation of Associations of Civil Contracts Brokers (P.OS.MAS) was signed in Athens.

Institutional bodies and professionals from the real estate, tourism and construction sectors participated in the "REAL MARKET" conference. The conference was also open to the public. In a packed room of 500 people, in the "Jeni Karezi Theater", the Survey on Real Estate, conducted by the No. 1 Polling Company Metron Analysis, was presented.

All the serious housing concerns were discussed as well as the issues surrounding short term rentals, challenges facing the hotel industry, investments, Golden Visa, etc.

The event concluded with the signing of the new POSMAS between the Associations of Realtors of Athens-Attica, Northern Greece, Larissa, Lesvos, Chios, Paros-Antiparos. The real estate association of Larissa participates as a founding member of the new pan-Hellenic federation!

We sincerely thank the Association of Realtors of Athens-Attica and especially the president Lefteris Potamianos for the invitation and the honor to participate actively in the newly founded POSMAS federation.