Easter eggs - how do we dye them, with natural dyes or trade!
  • Εύκολοι τρόποι για να βάψετε τα φετινά πασχαλινά αυγά!

Tradition has it that the eggs are dyed on Holy Thursday, the day of the Last Supper, where the tsoureki are also made.

The egg symbolizes the tomb of Jesus Christ, which like the shell of the egg so it was hermetically closed, but inside it hid Life, since Jesus came out of it and was resurrected, while the red color the sacrifice and blood shed when he was crucified.

When it comes to dyeing our eggs, we have to choose which color to use, natural (ecological) or commercial (chemical).

The team of INVESTA Real Estate – Real Estate Larissa, suggests two easy ways to paint this year's Easter eggs!

Easter eggs with commercial dyes


• 20 – 30 eggs fresh (organic if possible)

• 1 tsp. Soup vinegar

• 1 pinch of salt

• 1 sachet of paint (for each color)

• vinegar (as long as the paint instructions are written)

• olive oil for polishing


Remove the eggs (choose white or brown without spots), from the refrigerator at least 2 to 3 hours earlier, to come to room temperature, so that they do not break us during boiling. It is better to take them out the night before and paint it in the morning.

We wash our eggs very carefully, so as to clean them from dirt, but also to be sure that their surface will be smooth to be well painted.  

Place them in a layer in the pot making sure that they are not twisted together, in order to avoid breaking.

Boil them over very low heat, pouring in the water one pinch of salt and one tablespoon of vinegar for 15' - 20' minutes, depending on how much the eye of your kitchen burns. Vinegar and salt dilate the pores in the shell of the egg and prevents the egg white and yolk from spilling into the water, in case an egg breaks.

When they are ready, remove them from the heat, pour the water carefully and fill the pot with cold water from the tap.

Let them cool in the pot for 30', changing the water 3-4 times. Then remove them from the water and leave them on kitchen paper, to dry and cool well for another 2-3 hours.

We prepare the paint by strictly following the instructions for the temperature, the amount of water and paint, the number and temperature of the eggs, but also the time they will stay in the paint.

Then carefully remove the dyed eggs with a spoon or a slotted spoon and let them dry, on a platter with absorbent paper.

Once they have dried well, stick the stamps or paint them with a special brush and polish them with a cotton pad that we have put olive oil on it.

We place our eggs in egg cases or in beautiful baskets, while what we are going to eat, we put in the refrigerator.

Easter eggs with pastry colors

In theory they are completely harmless, since we eat them.

We choose any colors we want, we ask our children to help us and we make the process a game.

Pastry colors will perfectly dye our eggs and they are safer than commercial dyes.


Boil the eggs for 15' -18'

Dissolve a little color in a large mug with water and add 3 tablespoons of vinegar.

Then, soak the eggs for as long as it takes, about 10 minutes, more or less depending on the shade we want our eggs to take.

We touch them to dry on absorbent paper, stamps, oiling and ready!

Good luck and Happy Resurrection!
