First place for INVESTA Real Estate!
  • Πρώτη θέση στη Λάρισα για το 2021!
A new important distinction for the real estate company INVESTA Real Estate, which was awarded the first place award by the independent assessment body "AETOI of REAL ESTATE". The distinction concerns the excellent professionalism that distinguishes it as well as the high-quality services it provides to the public of Larissa.

On the occasion of the award, INVESTA Real Estate issued the following press release: We thank the company "AETOI" for the honorable distinction in our category for 2021 and the award we were awarded. But above all, we thank the audience of Larissa and our clientele who honored us, and through evaluations and reviews, we stand out with this distinction. We have given and are giving our credentials every day in every real estate case, treating our fellow citizens separately and with due attention. Getting such an award is the best reward for our daily effort. Your ratings are a great commitment for us, as we know it is important to stay in the first place you have ranked us. Our fight is ongoing and we thank you for walking with us!

The "AETOI" project is a unique ranking that includes companies characterized by high service quality, based solely on customer reviews. Behind the program is a micro-data analysis engine, a proprietary data reliability algorithm and an independent jury that evaluates each business.
